Monday, August 2, 2010

Lesson 1: Why do hair?

The first and most important reason for doing hairdos is to keep our little girls modest. We want them to have good self-esteem, and feel good about themselves. They don't need to have a prom style to be modest, just keep it brushed rather than unkempt. Fancier hairdos bring compliments and attention, which can make you and your daughter both feel great, but please let's be careful about our motives for styling hair. We need to watch out for vanity. Let's show our girls we value them for more than their beauty. And if you find yourself more interested in finding out if anyone complimented her on her hair during the day rather than what she learned at school, let this be a reality check for you that you are too obsessed!

Hairstyling time can be bonding time for you and your daughter. Some girls really love it. Some don't. If your daughter is complaining about how much it hurts and how bored she is, it doesn't really make it enjoyable for either one of you. You may want to stick with the simpler quicker hairstyles.

Hairdos are functional for keeping hair out of the eyes during play or to keep the hair from getting all tangled up.

My favorite reason for doing my daughter's hairstyles is because I am an artist, and hairstyling gives me a creative outlet. I love to make her hair beautiful, the way I enjoy painting a picture or sewing a quilt. Every morning I have a new canvas.

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